Conducted a 4-hour orientation session on earthquake planning and response for 100 members of the Hotel Association of Vancouver. The briefing and discussion was tailored particularly to the needs of the downtown Vancouver hospitality industry.
Earthquake IRP for BC Ministry of Transportation
Nigel Greenwood2025-02-22T12:31:33-08:00Under subcontract to Lansdowne Technologies Inc, drafted an Immediate Response Plan (IRP) for the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI). The plan covered initial responses of the ministry’s highways branch to a M7.0-7.3 earthquake in the Vancouver/Victoria urban areas, with particular emphasis on the stand-up of the ICS-based emergency response organizations, as well as individual responses, in the first 72hrs to five days. The project provided critical orientation to staffs in preparation for the June 2016 COASTAL RESPONSE earthquake exercise in Port Alberni.
Operational Risk Assessment
Nigel Greenwood2025-02-10T15:31:01-08:00Conducted for the Pacific Pilotage Authority a net risk assessment for the boarding marine pilots on LNG ships by helicopter. The study was commissioned by PPA in cooperation with Pacific Northwest LNG, BG, Shell and Chevron to consider the implications for the introduction of LNG trade from Prince Rupert and Kitimat. The result was unanimous acceptance and rapid progress to implementation.
Ship Routing Advisory Study
Nigel Greenwood2015-11-16T13:46:08-08:00Conducted a study of all current and future marine traffic in the Prince Rupert area and examined risks associated with traffic patterns, using multiple data sources including AIS tracks and GIS computer tools. Proposed a comprehensive plan of both formal and largely informal ship-routing and public-awareness measures to enhance mutual marine safety between large and small vessels in Chatham Sound and the harbour approaches to Prince Rupert.